Author: 陳妍茵
2020-11-28(Personal Particulars)
Details |
Chinese Name | 呂奭群 |
Age / Date of Birth | 11-29 |
Gender | 男 |
Phone Number | 95616556 |
Schools attended | 順德聯誼總會胡兆織中學,Deakin University |
Addresses | 藍田匯景花園(詳細仍確認中) |
Social Media Accounts | 呂奭群 (Facebook) |
Occupation | 慕光英文書院教師、親中組織創建力量成員、中聯辦地區統戰組織青年IT網路成員 |
Source (Telegram) | Son Finds Parents #C0925 |
Relative:妻子 | |
Name | Fiona Mack |
Last Updated: 2020-11-28
Personal Particulars
He is one of the representatives of National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR region. He is supportive to the current totalitarian Chinese regime and was hostil ...
Personal Particulars
He is one of the representatives of National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR region. He is supportive to the current totalitarian Chinese regime and was hostil ...
Personal Particulars