Author: 陳妍茵
2021-11-08(Personal Particulars)
Details |
Chinese Name | 屈㯋姸 |
English Name | Wat Wing Yin |
Age / Date of Birth | 1965-03-05 |
Gender | 女 |
Phone Number | 96883610|24169700 |
Special ID | C4601317 |
Schools attended | 香島中學、香港中文大學 |
Addresses | 香港新界 荃灣三棟屋村124號 2樓|2/F, 124, |Sam Tung Uk Resite Village, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong |
Occupation | Columnist of HKGpao HKG報專欄寫手 |
Source (Telegram) | Son Finds Parents #C0835 |
She had provided support to the Hong Kong government in making new legislations that restrict citizens’ rights and freedoms. She works for a pro-CCP media and had expressed strong desire for complete Chinese control (“鬧爆泛民盲撐獨”, 2020).
Reference: 鬧爆泛民盲撐獨 屈穎妍:23條立法逼在眉睫!. (2018 July 23). HKGPao.
Relative:丈夫 | |
Name | 林超榮 |
Phone Number | 林超榮 |
Relative:女兒 | |
Name | 林起瑩 |
Special ID | Y7014153 |
Relative:女兒 | |
Name | 林起程 |
Relative:女兒 | |
Name | 林起飛 |
Last Updated: 2021-11-08
Personal Particulars
梁卓然係一名親中派人士,係香港政府任職律政司刑事檢控專員,有份濫用權力控告香港抗爭者。 佢曾經為係一宗襲警案中受傷嘅警察申請匿名令,意圖阻礙公眾得知案件詳情,並為引入中共國安假扮嘅警察開路,詳見立場新聞報道。 根據過往資料,佢曾經係2005年一宗民事案件 (DCCJ3619/2002) 中,俾法官認定係「不誠實證人」,詳見當時判決書。
Personal Particulars
Personal Particulars
He / She works for a media agency that is under the control of the Chinese Community Party. He / She is responsible for delivering pro-CCP information, spreading propaganda for the Chinese government, ...