詳細資料 |
中文姓名 | 龐維仁 |
英文姓名 | Pong Wai Yan Louis |
性別 | 男 |
職業 | 中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會香港區代表 |
He is one of the representatives of National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR region. He is supportive to the current totalitarian Chinese regime and was hostile to freedom fighters and political activists in Hong Kong.
He had provided support to the Hong Kong and the Chinese government in making new legislations to restrict Hong Kong citizens’ rights and freedoms (“陳鑑林指條例被妖魔化”, 2020).他曾公開支持中國共產黨政府在香港強行實施國家安全法,剝奪香港市民 ...
He had provided public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law in Hong Kong, claiming that Hong Kong was attacked by foreign powers (“何君堯倡「過渡議會」就23條立法”, 2020).他曾公開支持中國共 ...
He had provided support to the Hong Kong and the Chinese government in making new legislations to restrict Hong Kong citizens’ rights and freedoms (“鄧竟成曾偉雄:立法適時有必要”, 2020).他曾公開支持中國共產黨政府在香港強行實施國家安全法,剝奪 ...