
Author: 陳妍茵

2020-11-28(Good & Bad Shops)

Categories: 黃色商家


Name 潛牙牙
Stance 黃色商家
Type 運動健體
Goods provided 其他
Contact number 60933768
Social Media Accounts [email protected] (電郵)|https://www.facebook.com/BlueblueblueDiving (Facebook)|https://www.instagram.com/bluebluebluediving/ (Instgram)
Sources 終極黃藍地圖


【商品 / 服務種類】潛水, 側掛潛水, 潛水教練, 潛水體驗, Watersport, Diving, Diver, 潛水課程, 潛水裝備, PADI, RescueDiver, ScubaDiving, 救援潛水員課程, 開放水域潛水員課程, 進階開放水域潛水員課程


This data is automatically downloaded and synchronized to our website from the specified data source which are specialized in collecting information yellow and blue shops. If there are any details that has to be modified, please notify the source of data first. Our website will automatically update the data periodically.

Last Updated: 2022-06-03

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Good & Bad Shops

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The Grove:黃色商家(咖啡店)

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點子出版 Idea Publication:黃色商家(書籍)

Good & Bad Shops

以下為整合之商家資料:【商品 / 服務種類】書本出版, 小說出版, 散文出版, 圖文集出版, 講座, 布袋, 帆布袋, 賣書, 書本, 圖書, 網上書店, 咕𠱸終極黃藍地圖並未就此商店所持的立場表態給出具體原因。