Aerial Dance Art Concepts - ADAC:黃色商家(健身、運動、零售)

Author: 陳妍茵

2021-10-14(Good & Bad Shops)

Categories: 黃色商家


Name Aerial Dance Art Concepts - ADAC
Stance 黃色商家
Type 健身、運動、零售
Address 葵青區Kwai Hing, Kwai Chung
Social Media Accounts官方網站)|||
Sources 和你查



Aerial Dance Art Concepts - ADAC積極推廣空中藝術,一系列空中課程包括瑜珈、綢緞、瑜珈吊床、吊環及舞蹈,另設減壓瑜珈班及各類舞蹈課堂。ADAC提供舒適的共享空間,更備全新附儲物櫃之更衣室及淋浴設施。

ADAC actively promotes Aerial Arts and Dance Culture, and is committed to cultivating public enthusiasm in Aerial Arts. ADAC offers a comfortable shared space and spacious changing room equipped with shower facilities. Welcome to bring your aerial idea with us.

We launch a series of aerial art project about Yoga, Silk, Sling, Hammock, Hoop and Dance. ADAC also undertakes stage projects such as performance, choreography, MV shooting, TV & Print advertisement etc. In addition, ADAC also provide the Artist Management, explore the potential Aerial Artist.

Job Experience:
– HSBC Payme Aerial Shooting
– Hera Chan (2018 Miss Hong Kong) Aerial Consultant
– Alice Kuk Cover MV Shooting, 2019


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Last Updated: 2022-06-26

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MC Adam Lo 專業活動及婚禮司儀:黃色商家(婚禮司儀)

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以下為整合之商家資料:***終極黃藍地圖***【商品 / 服務種類】卡牌, 卡簿, 補充卡, 道具卡, 桌遊, 咭, 卡墊, 卡game比賽, 卡套終極黃藍地圖並未就此商店所持的立場表態給出具體原因。***和你查***以下係商戶自行提供嘅簡介:卡之里為本地集換式遊戲卡、食玩及模型專門店。總店位於長沙灣天悅廣場,另設元朗分店,定期舉辦各類型比賽、聚會活動,讓一眾玩家交流及切磋,並推廣遊戲卡文化。總店 ...


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