詳細資料 |
中文姓名 | 潘國山 |
英文姓名 | Pun Kwok Shan |
年齡 / 出生日期 | 1961-05-07 |
性別 | 男 |
電郵地址 | cfpoon2013@gmail.com |
特殊號碼 | P2523438 |
就讀學校 | 華僑大學 |
地址 | 香港沙田大圍積福街88號 康樂大廈4樓F室 Flat F, 4/F, Hong Lok Building, 88 Chik Fuk Street, Tai Wai, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong |
職業 | Central Committee of New People Party 新民黨中央委會員成員 |
來源Telegram頻道 | 阿仔搵老豆老母 #C1407 |
He was one of the high-ranking members within a pro-CCP party, expressing total support for the Chinese government, the national security law to restrict Hong Kong citizens’ rights and freedoms, and police brutality towards civilians (Poon, 2020).
Reference: 潘國山. (n.d.). Home [Facebook Page]. https://www.facebook.com/%E6%BD%98%E5%9C%8B%E5%B1%B1-405455972871043/
He / She works for a media agency that is under the control of the Chinese Community Party. He / She is responsible for delivering pro-CCP information, spreading propaganda for the Chinese government, ...
He is one of the representatives of National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR region. He is supportive to the current totalitarian Chinese regime and was hostil ...