AntiELAB & Democracy Movement Website List

Author: 陳妍茵

Last Updated: 2022-07-05

Below is a list of websites related to the current 2019 Hong Kong Anti-extradition Bill and Democracy Movement. All of the listed website provides English content for readers. If you want to check out websites providing only contents of Chinese languages, you may refer to the Cantonese version of the website list here.

1. Revolution TimeMachine (
A recorded timeline of all events during the movement.

2. Police Timeline (
A record of Hong Kong Police Force's brutality and atrocious act.

3. Free Hong Kong: Stand with Hong Kong Until Dawn (
Public Letter of Hongkongers to the world.

Information of the movement and upcoming events.

If you know more websites related to the Hong Kong Democracy Movement, please inform our administrators via Telegram: @findnaomi_bot