詳細資料 |
事件編號 | 201910005 |
來源 | 香港城市大學學生會城市廣播 |
網絡連結 | https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3243444099016115&id=207097505984138 |
日期及時間 | 2019-10-01 |
警察行徑 | 濫用武力 |
【十一荃灣開槍完整片段】無警示近距離開槍 延誤救治至少三分鐘
盧又聲稱有人向受傷倒地的傷者及警員投擲汽油彈。然而錄影片段中只有一枚汽油彈於警員位置五米外落地,而在場警員亦無為中槍倒地的傷者進行保護或急救,只站在一旁及制服一名示威者,期間該警員更聲稱:「First-aid 我都有啦」。
Earlier, Commission of Police, Stephen Lo responded in a press release that an officer fired point blank at a protester in the 1st of October protest. Lo claimed, "the officer had warned the protesters but to no avail and he had felt that his life was in grave danger. He had no choice but to stop violence with his gun, all is legal and legitimate." He also claimed that the officers IMMEDIATELY treated the victim's wounds to save him. Our reporters recorded the incident from a different angle, which seems to speak differently of these claims. First, Commission Lo argues that the protesters had not heeded the police's warnings, causing the officer to "feel that he was in grave danger" and needed to use his gun. However, footage shows that the officer first points his gun to protester's head in front of him, then to his right, firing at a protester in less than 1 meter. This transition lasted less than a second, making it impossible for any 'warning' to have been issued. Second, Lo argues that someone had thrown a petrol bomb at the fallen protesters and police. However, footage reveals that there had only been one such object thrown, falling onto somewhere 5 meters away from them. No police officers could be seen doing anything for the protester shot at all, but were busy subduing another protester or just watching. Also, Lo argued that the police had IMMEDIATELY treated his wounds, but footage reveals that the shot protester was left on the ground for AT LEAST 3 minutes completely ignored. The shot protester was screaming "SAVE ME", yet the police officer had stayed clear away from him. Only after 3 minutes had there been an officer checking on him. For well over 5 minutes, no police officer could be seen treating his wounds.
警員捕捉示威者回警察防線,然後分別一名警員先扣著示威者頭部,另一名警員則不停用棍打示威者背部,即使示威者倒地,施暴仍沒有停止。其後警員用警棍頂著示威者頭部,而後面的警員則瞄準示威者頭部,短距離噴射胡椒噴霧。這涉嫌違反《公安條例》第17條中,表明警務人員在阻止公眾聚集舉行,或停止或解散公眾聚集時,只可以使用「合理所需的武力」。而過份武力對待被拘捕人士,在沒有合理辨解下,亦可能違反《侵害人身罪條例》各 ...