詳細資料 |
中文姓名 | 林順潮 |
英文姓名 | Dr. Lam Shun Chiu Dennis |
年齡 / 出生日期 | 1959-11-26 |
性別 | 男 |
特殊號碼 | G057040A |
就讀學校 | 英皇書院、香港大學 |
地址 | 香港擎天半島1座63樓C室、香港新界荃灣海濱花園5座海濤閣16樓G室 |
職業 | 香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學系前主任、香港眼科醫院醫療部主管、深圳希瑪林順潮眼科醫院院長、中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會香港區代表 |
來源Telegram頻道 | 阿仔搵老豆老母 #C1304 |
He is one of the representatives of National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR region. He is supportive to the current totalitarian Chinese regime and was hostile to freedom fighters and political activists in Hong Kong.
He / She works for a media agency that is under the control of the Chinese Community Party. He / She is responsible for delivering pro-CCP information, spreading propaganda for the Chinese government, ...
He is one of the representatives of National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR region. He is supportive to the current totalitarian Chinese regime and was hostil ...
關新偉係一名親中派嘅人。 佢係何君堯嘅朋友,與中聯辦關係密切,曾經係寶礦力水特發文支持示威者後,將家中寶礦力粉倒入廁所。