詳細資料 |
中文姓名 | 莫嘉傑 |
英文姓名 | Mok Ka Kit |
年齡 / 出生日期 | 1995-09-01 |
性別 | 男 |
電話號碼 |
97920809 60487707 |
特殊號碼 | Y4923675 |
就讀學校 |
高西中學 樸茨茅夫大學 |
地址 |
九龍觀塘區 秀茂坪邨秀安樓 1樓113室 Room 113, 1/F, Sau On House, Sau Mau Ping Estate, Sau Mau Ping, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
社交網站帳號 | 莫嘉傑 Ivan (Facebook) |
職業 | Member of United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party of Hong Kong (Department of Internet) 中共中央統一戰線工作部香港分部成員 |
來源Telegram頻道 | 阿仔搵老豆老母 #A0606 |
He has created numerous video content to influence social media, expressing total support for the Chinese government to impose national security law to restrict Hong Kong citizens’ rights and freedoms, and actively advocated police brutality towards civilians (Mok, 2020).
Reference: 肥仔傑. (n.d.). Home [YouTube Channel]. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIIwLX8REayuH-sNLf8c-3A
親屬:妻子 | |
姓名 | Ariel Myk |
John Hui是親中派的一名成員或支持者。他曾經在Facebook發表親中言論,詳見下圖:
She had provided public support to the Hong Kong government in creating new legislation restricting Hongkongers’ freedom of expression and restricting parties of the opposition in the name of national ...
She had provided public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law directly, without any consent from Hong Kong citizens.他曾公開支持中國共產黨政府在香港強行實施國家安全法,剝奪香港市民各項自由。Reference: 聞中 ...