Author: 陳妍茵
2020-03-30(Records of Police Abuse)
Details |
Code | 201910011 |
Source | 蘋果日報 Apple Daily |
Online Links | |
Date & Time | 2019-10-05 17:34 |
Acts of Police | Violating the guidelines and principles on the use of force、Treating citizens rudely |
After the “Anti-mask Law” demonstration in Central, several police using their batons knocked down two passerby with masks on near Statue Square.
Last Updated: 2020-03-30
Records of Police Abuse
10 月 6 日一名警員被拍攝到在長沙灣拘捕一名女性時,數度刻意觸碰女事主胸部。
Records of Police Abuse
片中0:04-0:06 秒,有警員從高處發射催淚彈。這涉嫌違反《公安條例》第17條中,表明警務人員在阻止公眾聚集舉行,或停止或解散公眾聚集時,只可以使用「合理所需的武力」。
Records of Police Abuse